Sunday, December 20, 2009

Doing Philosophy, Being a Philosopher

“Pay no attention to the practitioners of philosophy, whether good or bad. Rather give serious consideration to the thing itself: if it seems to you negligible, then turn everyone from it, not just your sons. But if it seems to you to be what I think it is, then take heart, pursue it, practice it. . . .”
—Plato, Euthydemus, 307b.

“The figure of Christ is interpreted on the ancient sarcophagi principally by two images: the philosopher and the shepherd. Philosophy at that time was not generally seen as a difficult academic discipline, as it is today. Rather, the philosopher was someone who knew how to teach the essential art: the art of being authentically human—the art of living and dying.”
—Benedict XVI, Spe Salvi, #6.

Rather reminds me of my first post.

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